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Friday, July 27, 2007

CSA Application for Pension #8583 ( pg 2of 8)


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Pvt. Milton P. Sanders, Sharpshooter -Co. A Turney's 1st Infantry Regiment C.S.A
then re-enlisted with-Capt J.P. Henley's Company, I, Mead's North Al & TN afterwards -27 Th Battalion Tennessee Cavalry, C.S.A.

Extraction by Alma E Dailey-Harings,

I, Milton Porter Sanders a native of the State of Tennessee and now a citizen of Tennessee, resident at Tracy City in the county of Grundy in said State of Tennessee, and who was a soldier from the State of Tennessee, in the war between the United States and the Confederate States, so hereby apply for aid under the Act of the General Assembly of Tennessee, entitled “An Act for the benefit of the indigent and disabled soldiers of the late war between the states, and to fix the fees of attorneys or agents for procuring such pensions and fixing a penalty for the violation of the same.” And I do solemnly swear that I was a member of Company A Turney’s 1st Tennessee Regiment of Confederate soldiers in the Virginia army in the service of the Confederate or United States, and that by reason of disability and indigence I am now entitled to receive the benefit of the Act. I further swear that I do not hold any National, State or county office, nor do I receive aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, and that I am not an inmate of any soldier’s home, and that I am unable to earn a reasonable support for myself and family. I do further solemnly swear that the answers given to the following questions are true:

In what County, State and year were you born?

Answer: I was borned June 24, 1836 and as of that date it was Franklin County Tennessee.

When did you enlist and in what command? Give the names of the regimental and company officers under whom you served?

Answer: I enlisted at Pelham, Grundy county Tenn. 1st Turney's Tenn Regiment Col Peter Turney's 1st Capt A. E. Patton Company A

In what battle or battles were you engaged, and, if not wounded, state what disabilites did you receive, if any?

Answer: I was in the Seven Days at Richmon (sic) Va I was wound (sic) at Chancersvill (sic) in the hand and at Fredricksburg I was shocked and disabled for the explosion of shell for some days; I was shot in the head at Gettysburg PA.

What was the precise nature of your wound of disability, if any?

Answer: The bone in the center of my right hand was broke and the wound in the head there was several peaces (sic) of the scull (sic) taken out.

Were you incapacitated for service by reason of said wound or disibility incurred?

Answer: I was not able for duty for some time from the wound in the head.

Were you discharged from the army by reason of said wound or disability?

Answer: No Sir

If discharged from the army, where were you and what did you do until the close of the war?

Answer: I suffered so from the wound in my head that I came home in March 1865 and joined Capt John P Henley's company of Confederate soldiers.

What was the name of the surgeon who attended you?

Answer: Dr. Cochran and Dr. Pearson

How did you get out of the army, when and where?

Answer: I had orders from Capt John P Henley to lay down my arms and go home.

Did you take the oath of allegiance to the United States government?

Answer:? No sir. I never taken the oath. I was never with them, only when in battle.

Extraction by Alma E Dailey-Harings

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